Real Estate Foreclosure? I can help! From Foreclosure to Financial Relief: How a I Can Help In the world of real estate, few situations are as daunting as facing foreclosure. For homeowners in Redding, California and surrounding areas, there is hope.  I’m a licensed realtor  who specializes in short sales and foreclosures. Recently, I achieved a remarkable feat: guiding a client […]
Real Estate Is the holiday season a good time to sell my home? As the holiday season approaches, many people are caught up in the festive spirit, focusing on gift-giving, celebrations, and spending time with loved ones. However, savvy real estate enthusiasts know that this time of year can also be a golden opportunity to make a move in the housing market. Whether you’re looking to buy or […]
Real Estate Winterizing Your Home: A Guide to Cozy Comfort As the temperature drops and the winter winds start to whistle, it’s time to prepare your home for the chilly months ahead. Winterizing your home not only ensures a warm and cozy living space but also helps you save on energy bills. Follow my comprehensive guide to winterize your home and create a haven of […]
Real Estate The Green Treasure: Unlocking the Real Estate Value of Trees Introduction Real estate has long been associated with location, location, location. But what if I told you that there is another critical factor that can significantly enhance the appeal and value of a property? Trees, often overlooked in the real estate world, play a vital role in shaping the appeal and desirability of a property. […]
Real Estate Top Tips for buying a home in a high(er) interest rate market. Buying a home in a high-interest rate market can be challenging, as higher interest rates can increase the cost of borrowing money for your mortgage. However, it’s not impossible, and with careful planning and strategy, you can still make a successful home purchase. Here are some steps to consider: Understand the Market: Research and understand […]
Real Estate What can I do to increase the value of my home? Numerous home enhancements can increase your home’s value, and achieving this doesn’t have to be daunting. Rather than enlisting a designer to modernize your home, explore inspiration and ideas independently. Home magazines, remodeling TV shows, books, and websites offer a plethora of exceptional DIY concepts you can incorporate into your style. Instead of taking on […]
Real Estate The Art of First Impressions: The Importance of Curb Appeal in Real Estate When it comes to real estate, the old adage “you never get a second chance to make a first impression” holds true. That first impression is often shaped by what potential buyers see when they pull up to your property – the curb appeal. In the world of real estate, curb appeal isn’t just a […]
Real Estate The Key to a Healthy Home: Proper Septic Maintenance Out of sight, out of mind—this phrase should never apply to your septic system. Often overlooked, yet crucial to your home’s sanitation, a well-maintained septic system is essential for the health of your family and the environment. Neglecting septic maintenance can lead to costly repairs, contamination of groundwater, and unpleasant odors. In this article, we’ll […]
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Real Estate Converting a Manufactured Home to Real Property: A Guide to a Permanent Foundation Manufactured homes have come a long way from their mobile and temporary origins. Today, many homeowners choose to convert their manufactured homes into real property by placing them on a permanent foundation. This transformation not only adds stability but also increases the value of the home. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the […]
Real Estate What’s it worth? What is the market value of your home. Are you interested in knowing what your home is worth?  There is a fast and easy way to do this but it isn’t the most accurate way.  You can go to websites like Zillow, plug in your address, and out pops a number.  You might ask yourself […]
Videos How to get prequalified As you can see I’m getting more into videos.  This is the 2nd video in my “Meet your Lender” series where we talk about how to get prequalified.  In the first video I talked with Bil Woodford about CalFHA’s Dream for all program.  It’s quite a learning experience doing videos as with each one I […]
Videos Meet Your Lender There is a reason I am successful with my client’s real estate goals and getting them to the closing table.  It’s teamwork!  I work with a handful of professionals that make the right things happen in the shortest amount of time.  One of the most valuable players on the team is the lender.  More precisely […]
Real Estate Price your home to Sell As you may have heard the market is changing.  Now, more than ever, it is important to price your home to sell.  Due to the low-interest rates and low inventory, we’ve had a fast-moving market for the past few years.  At any given time there have been as few as 305 houses on the market.  […]
Real Estate Real Estate MLS Exposure At BHGRE-Results, we know that placing your property in front of as many prospective buyers as possible is what ultimately sells real estate.  That’s why we choose to be a member of more than just one Multiple Listing Service (MLS).  Most brokers are a member of their home MLS such as the Shasta MLS.  BHGRE-Results […]
Real Estate Inspections It’s up to you, the buyer, to know what you’re buying When buying a home you are asked to sign a disclosure that states that you as the buyer are responsible to inspect everything and anything about the property you are getting ready to spend your hard earned money on.  It’s not to be taken lightly.  As agents, we are here to advise you on all […]
Places to go A local biking destination The Bizz Johnson National Recreation Trail, named for the congressman who played a major role in its creation, follows the original course of the western and more scenic part of the Fernley and Lassen branch line. Part of the Southern Pacific, this was a timber railroad that declined with the industry. It was finally abandoned […]